Northumbria Vikings are a dark age re-enactment group based in the North East of England,  and are part of the national UK re-enactment society called  THE VIKINGS. 

The Vikings are the largest and longest established dark age re-enactment group in the United Kingdom.  

Despite the specific name, The Vikings  portray all different ethnic and regional peoples in Britain in the 6th to 11th centuries ;  the years 500 to 1100 AD.  

This period is known as the dark ages because of the lack of information about the era,  however this ‘lack’ is relative to other periods,  and in reality there is a surprising amount of information available about this time.  Historians now call the period early medieval.  

We use the available information to recreate life in the times,  providing both living history and craft displays and combat demonstrations,  held throughout the country.  

For more information on our national society please click on “The Vikings” icon on the left of this page.


As a member of the Northumbria Vikings you are also automatically a member of  The Vikings.  Further information on the Vikings can be found on their website at : 

As a member of the Vikings you have a standing invitation to all of the national Viking events throughout the UK, and sometimes abroad.  

A quarterly email magazine is issued with full details.  

Membership lasts from 1st January till 31st December annually,  although anyone joining after 1st September in a year gets the following year free.

Membership fees for the Northumbria Vikings are :-

•    Adult     £ 28.00

•    Youth (14-18)    £ 15.00

•    Junior    £ 1.00 

Youth and junior members must have an adult member at the same address.  

If you would like to join the group then please email the group leader  and we will send you further information and a membership form :-

Email  : 


The Northumbria Vikings are always happy to welcome new members to swell our ranks,  whether you want to be a fully fledged warrior or a more peaceable craftsperson we will have something for you.

Within the group locally we have a number of experienced crafts-people who will be more than happy to teach you their skills.  Warriors generally take no encouragement at all to show someone how good they are.

Northumbria Vikings typically have 2 or 3 local shows a year,  and run training and social meetings on a monthly basis in North Shields throughout the year (except June-August). We miss mid summer because of the number of shows around at that time of year.

There is a training venue fee of  £4.00 per adult for attendance ;  we usually have free tea and coffee available.   

If you would like to meet the group before joining then we would be happy to see you at one of the local shows or social meetings.  Please email the jarl to find out dates and venues for our events.  


Northumbria Vikings have completed their 2024 shows.

Our next local public event is the North Shields Northumberland Park annual open day on 9th August 2025